
Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Saw a memo the other day: Security geniuses can train half-inch wasps, in a matter of hours, to detect bombs. In my day we trained WASPS for intelligence work too, but first had to send them to Yale.

I’m beginning to think it would be a good thing for me if Karl was indicted. I think I can handle “Grey-Boy” on my own. I’m wondering who on my staff can be trusted to leak specific rumors. This is not something I would want to get caught at.

We had a private debriefing with Rummy over the holiday weekend. About I/O. He was full of good cheer, even if the military audiences didn’t snap up the applause lines. But we dropped his bowel and removed the lower core brain and were able to download everything he saw, and heard as well as non-verbal clues and bad thoughts.

As privately suspected it’s a mess. Halliburton’s contracts with the North are still golden, though we haven’t found the right mix of people crazy enough to work there. The Filipinos we're used to, would rather work in Saudi Arabia or Oman. I guess we have to start training the Mexicans, Brazilians and Ecuadorians for such work. --We could pay them a lot less too!

It’ll be tricky legging out of the place before the mid-terms while the Civil War escalates. But I’ve thought about that too. We’ll put a bounty on news-people. Once our troops are clear, no reporter in their right mind will even land at the airport. Heh, heh, heh. What folks don’t know won’t hurt them.


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