
Saturday, December 24, 2005

Hear this word...

I’m the Adult in this Administration. So the pundits claim. --If they only knew what they were talking about. Yeah, I got a touch of the holiday blues. Not even curdled Llama’s milk can do its old magic.

With Scooter gone there’s no one to feed counter-Intel to the saps in the press. Like about the growing rift between “Grey-Boy” and me; as if one can have a falling out with an Automaton.  It’s Karl who has minute-to-minute access to the control panel. OK, I won’t go there. Paranoia is counter-productive.

When I begin to feel this way I always cheer myself up with how splendid it is to be able to fool all of the people all of the time. Take I/O: we know, as anyone with half a brain, that we don’t have the troops for a fourth and fifth year rotation. Even with 20-100,000 contractors we can’t carry that weight. So Murtha spills the beans and let’s everyone know we’re mostly out of there in eighteen months. Yet we’ve defined the slander to paint those who want out in six months as traitorous, cut-and-run, cowards while the eighteen-month crowd is virtuous and patriotic. In Eighteen months we’re hoping to have a deal with Sadr for petro-rights in the South and we already have Northern petro-rights sewed up with the Kurds. Win-win on the bottom line; and all paid for with Chinese loans and obligations against the future working class. Brilliant.

We’ve done the same domestically. We painted the bastards against the ‘Alien and Sedition Acts’ as craven enemies of Christ and America. --While we help our buddies in Industry with a flood of cheap, illegal labor. And we do a song and dance about how we will secure those borders ‘down the road.’ Down the road to hell I say! I’m told that on the East Coast you can’t find an English-speaking craftsman in the building trades. All the housing-framers in New Jersey are Brazilian. The laborers are from Ecuador etc. Not only will they work for half the money and no benefits, they don’t know or care about safety rules. They fall off buildings, cut off their hands, gouge out their eyes but still they keep coming for the eight bucks an hour it would take them a week to earn back home. And the North thought it could abolish slavery. Fools! I knew we’d win over time.

Ah, I’m feeling so much better... Let me wish everyone like me a pleasant and prosperous holiday. The rest of you, go _ _ _ _ yourselves.


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