
Thursday, December 22, 2005

What’s in a word?

This note is for the file and should be destroyed if the Special Prosecutor ever gets the cohones for a warrant; got that, Addington?

I, throughout my many lives on this silly planet, have always been on the side of orthodoxy and privilege. I often digress about my early days in the Roman Empire, luckily it was during and after the first Century when administrators were prized for their cunning and did not have to show mettle for battle. Often I have been an American. During the Revolution I was naturally a Loyalist to the Crown. I was with Biddle at the Bank of the United States, Judah Benjamin in the Confederacy, etc. But I was not at all times an American; I was with Franco in Spain and much earlier during the Inquisition with Torquemada.

I haven’t always ended up on the side with the biggest winnings but usually have. I admit it has taken 140 years for the Confederacy to finally win the Civil War but you see the point I’m making...

Luckily for us there is no effective opposition. Howard Dean, John Kerry were only 1/8th the potential adversary of say a ‘Bugs Bunny.’ Eventually, though, some malcontent with nothing to lose will see the obvious, and out of sheer stupidity for his own betterment will announce it to the world. Take I/O for example. Our latest claim is that we want ‘Democracy’ there. Give me a break. We want a government for ourselves that knows EVERYTHING it can about its citizens and whose citizens know NOTHING about it. We cherish one-party rule. We will not legislate anything unless there’s a good buck in it for someone we know. We don’t want democracy for I/O; we don’t want it for America!

Anyway. When the Archivists from Andulusa go through the record I want them to know I was prescient enough to investigate and secretly imprison or kill anyone who starts making waves about us being ‘Fascists.’ It’s still an ugly word even though it means beautiful things to many of us, and we can’t let the ‘debate’ go there.


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