
Monday, December 26, 2005


Spent a quiet day contemplating our good fortune. All is well. I thank my stars everyday for Howard Dean. His mouth is set to speaker-phone. It’s the opposite of ‘Grey-Boy,’ whose intellect (circuit-wise) is on semi-mute, except for cussing. Most of what Dean says is probably true, but like Bill Clinton there is no sense of gravity. And unlike Clinton no charm either.

Kerry was a dream too. A real ‘fighter.’ Somebody in his organization must have known he was going to be Dukakis-ed. Kerry wrapped up his nomination in April of ‘04 and stood around waiting for a sucker-punch. Which we happily provided with the Swift-Boat thing and Kerry lay on the canvas and drooled for a few weeks.

Bin Laden had been on vacation for three years. I/O was a mess and all the opposition could do was drool. It’s so easy to see that once we taught ‘Grey-Boy’ about God; (on my knee as a matter of fact) --you could see how GB’s primitive intelligence made all the connections: “Yes, and God loves ME!


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